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Eastern Yellow Robin

Eastern Yellow Robin

One of the first of the morning chorus

Often seen perched sideways on the trunks of trees, the Eastern Yellow Robin is a common inhabitant of forests and woodlands in eastern Australia. They are seldom noisy, but their penetrating piping call is one of the first of the morning chorus, often well before dawn.

The Eastern Yellow Robin is a medium sized robin. It has a grey back and head, and yellow underparts, with a bright yellow rump. The throat is off-white and the bill is black. Both sexes are similar in plumage colour and pattern, but the female is slightly smaller. Young Eastern Yellow Robins are rufous-brown.

Eastern Yellow Robins feed on insects, spiders and other arthropods. These are caught mostly on the ground and pounced on from a low perch.

Breeding pairs may lay up to three clutches of eggs. The female builds the nest and incubates the eggs. The nest is a woven cup of bark, grass and other vegetation, bound together with spider web and lined with finer material and leaves. It is normally built in an upright tree fork. Both parents care for the young.