Jinibara Country
Always was, always will be 

Jinibara Country

Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve is situated within Jinibara country.

In 2012 the Jinibara Traditional Owners, had their rights formally asserted by the Native Title Tribunal across the Maleny area, as well as parts of the adjacent Glass House Mountains, Somerset, Moreton Bay and Brisbane Council areas.

Council proudly acknowledges the Jinibara People's heritage and ongoing connection to country. We pay respect to elders past, present and emerging.

The Jinibara People are the mountain people. Their name means "people of the lawyer vine" (bara meaning "people" and Jini meaning "lawyer vine"). They are therefore the traditional people who live in the mountains and valleys where lawyer vine grows.

The Jinibara People consist of four sub-groups or clans:

  1. the Dungidau centred on Kilcoy, Villeneuve and Mt Archer area,
  2. the Dala from around Woodford and Mt Mee,
  3. the Nalbo of the Blackall Range and much of the Glasshouse Mountains, and
  4. the Garumngar from the rolling country between the Brisbane River and what today is the southern edge of Brisbane Forest Park around Lake Manchester and Mt. Crosby.

Today, the Jinibara families represent all four sub-groups, and work together cohesively through the Jinibara People Aboriginal Corporation (JPAC).

Contrary to popular perceptions, life for the Jinibara People in traditional times did not involve a nomadic relentless search for food. Rather, traditional country was bountiful, and individuals had their own specialised personal responsibilities for providing for the group. Each clan of the Jinibara People had a few places where camps were erected on an annual basis, providing people with a consistent lifestyle in an area for several months.

Today, the Jinibara People continue their connections with their traditional country, and maintain their places, areas and sites of significance. They have the right under native title to "maintain sites, objects, places and areas of significance to the native title holders under their traditional laws and customs and protect by lawful means those sites, objects, places and areas from physical harm or desecration".[1]

Members of the wider community who would like to:

  • book "Welcome to Country" introductions, cultural talks or workshops
  • engage the Jinibara Song and Dance Troupe
  • have questions or concerns about areas and objects
  • wish to check that their activities will not impact on Jinibara places, areas and sites of significance

are always welcome to contact the Jinibara People directly for advice and costs of cultural heritage activities.

Contact details for the Jinibara People Aboriginal Corporation (JPAC):

Email: [email protected]

[1] Agreement under S 87 of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (No QUD 6128 of 1998)

How was the reserve founded?

Recent history

Recent history

European settlement brought timber getters to exploit the giant hardwoods of the Maleny plateau. Thanks to the vision and generosity of the Thynne sisters, this rainforest was protected and continues to be an island of biodiversity in the landscape.