Proper battery disposal could save lives

There have been 15 truck fires on the Sunshine Coast over the past two years and it just takes one to spark a fire, find out how to dispose of yours safely.

Proper battery disposal could save lives

Ditching batteries in the everyday trash might seem like a no-fuss solution, but it's not as harmless as it looks. 

Those tiny energy pods are packed with some not-so-friendly stuff like lead, cadmium, and mercury. 

Mixed load of batteries

Mixed load of batteries

If they're not handled right, they can become a ticking time bomb for waste truck drivers and our environment.

When squashed in a truck, they can burst or even ignite - no one wants a surprise fireworks show! 

The solution?

Bucket of batteries ready to be recycled

Bucket of batteries ready to be recycled

Store your used batteries in a container and when it's full, drop them off at more than 40 Sunshine Coast locations.

From supermarkets and hardware stores to Sunshine Coast Council’s Resource Recovery Centres, visit to find the location closest to you.