Bleeding heart
Homalanthus nutans (syn: Omalanthus populifolius)
Black apple
Wild plum grows to 30m tall
Blue quandong
Keep an eye out for the blue fruit on the forest floor
Carronia Vine
Significant vine, vital for survival of rare moth.
Beautiful but potentially deadly
Giant Stinging Tree
Velvety leaves with stinging hairs.

Jini / Lawyer Vine
A spiky palm that climbs like a vine.

Famous nut vulnerable in Queensland
Native ginger
Tall, glossy herb with bright blue fruit

Watkin's Fig
Forest giant taking the fast lane to the top.

Red cedar
Deciduous giants once towered above the canopy
Red lilly pilly
A rainforest gem
Native raspberry
Super shrub provides protection, medicine and food.
Sandpaper fig
Versatile tree bears edible fruit thanks to wasp
White beech
Uncommon giant casts purple carpet of fruit
Wonga vine
Fast growing woody vine with delicate flowers in spring.