Rainforest Discovery Centre closed Australia Day Sunday, 26 January, open Monday, 27 January. Picnic grounds and walking track accessible from 7am-6pm both days.

Native raspberry
Rubus probus 

Native raspberry

Super shrub provides protection, medicine and food.

The native raspberry is a scrambling shrub widespread in rainforest understoreys throughout the Australasian region.

A member of the Rosaceae family, the native raspberry boasts attractive white flowers all year round that develop into small, bright-red berries. These edible gems are delicious and tempting to pick, but prickly stems can scratch and irritate skin.

The leaves contain essential oils and are used in tea as a medicinal remedy. Aboriginal people are understood to use raspberry leaf infusions to treat upset stomachs and general illness.

The native raspberry grows up to 2m tall, forming large, clumping thickets, often at the edge of the forest. Tangled and prickly, this species provides crucial protection for ground-dwelling species such as whipbirds, bandicoots and potoroos. Studies have also shown that brush turkey chicks, a species you will no doubt see when you visit Mary Cairncross, require the safety of raspberry thickets to evade predators.

The native raspberry truly is a super shrub!